Do you remember The HAWAIIANS?

Mark & Diane Yasuhara, The HAWAIIANS

Andrea and I had the opportunity in the mid 1970’s to hear The HAWAIIANS in concert at the red brick Calvary Chapel just north of the University of Washington (Seattle) right next to I-5. We both remember the place was packed to the brim with people. It was an awesome presentation of praise, worship and “love for God” by these two incredible people ⏤ Mark & Diane Yasuhara. Their recorded music is no longer available, except for youtube recordings.

Searching for information about Mark & Diane, we found that they are presently living in Hawaii where they are still involved in ministry. Plus, I found a youtube link of one of their albums that was recorded from an LP and uploaded for those who still delight in hearing The HAWAIIANS music. They also have a FaceBook page that can be accessed by clicking on:

Here is that video with a short biography as it was written in the early 1970s.

Introducing The HAWAIIANS, Mark & Diana Yasuhara

The HAWAIIANS, husband and wife, are professional musicians who have traveled the United States since 1969 sharing an aroma of “Aloha-love.” Love for the Trinity, love for the  Christian brotherhood, and love for an unlovely world — this is the essence of their ministry in auditoriums, schools, churches, or civic clubs.

Appealing to all ages and backgrounds, their repertoire encompasses the classical compositions of Handel and Puccini, the contemporary sounds of the 1970s, the beautiful songs of Hawaii, traditional and modern hymns and gospel songs. A University of Hawaii graduate, Mark has represented Hawaii in both the San Francisco and Metropolitan Opera auditions.

Words are grossly inadequate to describes the music of The Hawaiians. To hear them is an experience — an experience of the “Aloha,” the grace, the majesty of the islands God created; and the versitality of Mark & Diane, the couple He anointed to sing.


01 Sweet Sweet Spirit  02 I Sure Do Love The Lord  03 I’ve Found A Friend  04 Songs of Praises  05 How Big Is God?  06 Down from His Glory  07 I Have Christ in My Heart  08 Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us  09 The Glory of His Presence  10 His Name Is Jesus  11  Aloha/He’s Coming Soon

Posted in et cetera (etc.).


  1. I’m listening to them this morning. I was in Seminary in the mid 70’s studying Music. My good friend and fellow student Randy Hongo played for Mark and Dianne, who I first heard in a Billy Graham crusade. Randy was able to book “The Hawaiians” for a worship concert at Southern Seminary. It was one of the highlights of our music experience. Sadly Randy passed away last year, he and his wife Gay served the Lord faithfully in Hawaii for 40 years. They all still bless me weekly as I worship through their music.

  2. I have this album and have it on my ipod and just listened to them again this morning–so beautiful! Decided to google them and here they are. Such a blessing to me and to many I am sure.

  3. We first heard this lovely, very gifted couple in concert with Bill and Gloria Gaither in Minneapolis,Mn. Have remembered them with thanks to God. Down From His Glory is my favorite. It touches my heart as no other artists rendition.

  4. We heard them in the late seventies or early eighties at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, VA. Bought their album and listened to it constantly. Their version of Sheltered in the Arms of God was wonderful. Thanks for sharing this.❤️🙏

  5. I remember vividly the first time I heard them sing on a recording. They inspired my wife Cathi and I to learn some of their repertoire. We also are sharers of our love for Jesus Christ through song both vocally and instrumentally.
    I was a soloist with. Fred Warings Pennsylvanians and lead singer of The New Christy Minstrels. Just last week CBS channel 8 of San Diego put us on their show “ The Zeveley Zone. We have always wanted to meet The Hawaiians and would love to collaborate with themas a quartette. Praise Jesus and Gods will be done. We are David and Cathi Moyer and are known as Sentimental Journey. Please visit our website and listen to our recording of “Sweet Lil Jesus Boy.”
    In His Service, Dave and Cathi Moyer

  6. The most inspiring and beautiful gospel songs we have ever heard. I use to be a gospel singer when I was younger with my husband accompanying and their songs were the inspiration behind many of our renditions! Such a blessing!!!
    God bless you!

  7. Trying to find an audio recording of Call to Worship. Such a beautiful song, and the Hawaiians’ voices are so clear and uplifting.

  8. My mother, sister & I traveled to Hawaii with a group led by them. I was 12 & my sister 13 when we went. We were the youngest in the group & we’re spoiled by everyone! I hope all is well with them. My mother’s name was Joy Hamburger & my sister was Lynn & I was Lisa. Sadly, our mother has died. Lynn & I remember that trip with great memories.

  9. I love the Hawaiians, heard one of their songs on our local Christian radio station this morning. I am not sure of the title, Through it all, through it all, I learn to trust in Jesus, learn to trust in God, are some of it’s lyrics.

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